Do you want extra magic?

Introducing The Princess Club! If you love our princesses and want exclusive video calls, early access to all Magical Moments Events, and a VIP members-only princess event, then TODAY is the day to join The Princess Club!

It is $75/year to be a member, and that includes:

-Invitation to a Member’s Only party. Valid for your whole family!

-Early access to all of our events (including first pick of summer camp spots, which sell out quickly)

-Multiple letters from the princesses (encouraging correspondence so that your child can have a princess pen pal)

-One video from a princess (could be used to announce a vacation, sing a song, or for a holiday)

-A t-shirt!

-More special surprises throughout the year!

Submit the form below to join the Princess Club! Hannah will email you shortly with an invoice and welcome packet!

If you are a family with multiple little girls, you can either choose:

  • Individual membership, which would mean letters and videos addressed to each child specifically

  • Family membership, which would mean letters and videos are addressed to the family. If you choose a family membership, there is an extra cost per child to cover t-shirt costs ($15).

Yes, the Princess Club makes a perfect gift! Just email us at to set it up!